"We are proud to host, as previously with Gianluigi Toccafondo's Piccola Russia, a masterwork of Italian animation in the last ten years: Roberto Catani's La Funambola. This film provides a vital link with the Urbino's ISA art scene. It's no accident that many artists are based in this area: the fascinating, and at the same time disturbing, debut of young Marco Cappellacci 'Le Fobie del Guardrail', and the passionate work of Alessia Travaglini 'Silenziosa-Mente'."
"Silenziosa-Mente was built on the rotoscope technique. The female main character deals with complex relationships and external communications, symbolically represented by a row of hanging telephones, a free interpretation of the less technologic visions of Dalì’s soft watches. Animation highlights the central events of the story: a quarrel between dog headed and cat headed politicians, a zombie, the mental obnubilation by a word whirl. An amazing performance by a young artist mostly devoted to video-clips, displaying her original narrative verve."