Friday, November 21, 2014

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Silenziosa-Mente @ cortoLovere

Silenziosa-Mente will be screened as Official Selection at 

25th of September 2014 
Teatro Crystal
Lovere (BG)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Silenziosa-Mente @ Imaginaria Film Festival

 Silenziosa-Mente will be screened as Official Selection at

  30th of August 2014 - 9:00 pm
Chiostro di San Benedetto
Conversano (BA)

Silenziosa-Mente @ Nomadica

Silenziosa-Mente will be screened at 

Nomadica - itinerant exhibition on experimental cinema
   22nd of August 2014 - 7:00 pm
Biblioteca Comunale
Capo d'Orlando (ME)

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Italian animation on SKY ARTE

The world of Italian authorial animation is the protagonist of the Special "Tra Mouse e Matita" (Between Mouse and Pencil) aired tonight July 29 at 8.30 pm on Sky Arte HD.  
From the 50° Festival del Nuovo Cinema di Pesaro (50th Festival of New Cinema in Pesaro) focus on Simone Massi, Leonardo Carrano, Cristina Seresini, Mario Addis, Igor Imhoff, Magda Guidi, Basmati, Alessandro Rak, Alessia Travaglini, Claudia Muratori and many others. 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Silenziosa-Mente @ Il mouse e la matita

Quali strade ha preso e quali evoluzioni ha subito il cinema d’animazione in Italia negli ultimi quindici anni, anche grazie all’avvento del digitale? Quali sono i nuovi autori scesi in campo e quali nuove forme, tematiche e stilemi si sono affermati? Il presente volume, che accompagna l’omonima retrospettiva organizzata dalla Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema di Pesaro, cerca di rispondere a queste e ad altre domande esplorando il variegato panorama dell’animazione di casa nostra a 360 gradi, dal cortometraggio sperimentale e d’autore al lungometraggio mainstream, dal clip animato alla sigla e allo spot, fino alla web animation. Il tutto senza tralasciare i rapporti con il mondo delle arti visive, della grafica e dell’illustrazione e comprendendo un approfondimento sul suono e sulle tecniche e sui programmi di computer animation 2d e 3d. Due saggi sono infine dedicati alle scuole in Italia - l’Isa di Urbino (che quest’anno compie 60 anni di attività) e il CSC di Torino -, palestre che hanno formato e continuano a formare schiere di professionisti del campo. Analizzare oggi l’animazione italiana vuol dire anche inserirla in un contesto storico per sottolineare tanto i legami quanto le fratture con la tradizione: il titolo stesso, Il mouse e la matita, allude a una realtà sospesa tra passato e futuro, tecnica e tecnologia, materia e software.

Saggi di: Paola Bristot, Pierpaolo De Sanctis, Bruno Di Marino, Emiliano Fasano, Igor Imhoff, Alessandro Izzi, Chiara Magri, Andrea Martignoni, Fabio Rocci, Federico Rossin. Conversazioni con: Mario Addis, Basmati, Leonardo Carrano, Magda Guidi, Simone Massi, Cristina Diana Seresini, Federico Solmi, Iginio Straffi, Virgilio Villoresi. 

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Silenziosa-Mente @ Rabbitfest meets Golden Kuker Sofia

Presentation of the twinning between the two festivals with a screening of the best Italian and Bulgarian works.

16th of June 2014 - 4:30 pm
Sala S.Anna

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Silenziosa-Mente @ American Online Film Awards

Silenziosa-Mente has been invited and Officially Selected in the Spring Short Film Competiton at

1st of May 2014

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Silenziosa-Mente @ FINDARS

13th of April 2014 - 8:00 pm 
No. 8, 4th Floor, Jalan Panggung, 50000
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)

Canadian Abstraction and Italian Fiction: Experimental Films and New Animation, curated by Fabrizio Gilardino

This evening’s two programmes reflect, on one hand, my own geography — Italy and Canada are the two countries in which I have spent most of my life so far —, and, on the other hand, two almost opposite ways to make films that have always attracted me: pure abstraction and non-narrative experimental approaches often based on pre-existing material’s détournement, collage, scratching and other manual intervention techniques, and animated fiction, where the “sign” — either painted or drawn using a whole range of different techniques — is almost the main focal point.

The first part of the evening will feature a small selection of recent experimental shorts culled from the Vidéographe’s catalogue. Located in Montréal, Québec, Vidéographe is an artist-run centre devoted to the creation, distribution and promotion of independent media art. Created in 1976 It has become one of Canada's most important centers of production and distribution of media art. Its catalogue of over 1600 videos is available on-line via its web-platform
From the “natural” abstractions of Pierre Hébert (a pioneer of new animation techniques for more than 40 years, and a frequent visual collaborator of many innovative musicians such as Fred Frith, Bob Ostertag and Jean Derome), to Karl Lemieux’s manual interventions on recycled old 16 mm movies (frequently performed live with Godspeed You! Black Emperor with which Lemieux has been touring), the programme includes as well films by Frédéric Moffet, François Miron, Alexandre Fatta, Eric Gaucher and the female duo D. Kimm & Brigitte Henry.

The second part of the evening will be devoted to what might be called the New Wave of Italian Animation. It features authors who have mostly established themselves in the last ten to fifteen years, and whose main common point seems to be the desire to invent often ambiguous or enigmatic, if not decidedly absurd, characters, and tell stories in a fragmented narrative way. From Gianluigi Toccafondo’s fluid, almost painterly, elegance and sensuality, and Donato Sansone’s extraordinary animation techniques, to Michele Bernardi, Alessia Travaglini and Magda Guidi’s extremely elegant take on traditional animation, the programme will present a dozen unique and fascinating visual worlds.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Silenziosa-Mente @ La Vidéothèque Nomade

Silenziosa-Mente is now available in the catalogue of "La Vidéothèque Nomade"! 

8th of March 2014 - from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Point Culture
Bruxelles (Belgium) 

In partnership with PointCulture, La Vidéothèque Nomade, screening project powered by 68 Septante asbl, works together with Taraxacum asbl for an afternoon offering an audio-visual trip into unique films and sound productions.